Gold standard long-term management of feline chronic kidney disease Sarah Caney | Default



Gold standard long-term management of feline chronic kidney disease

Durée: 0:56 h
Intervenant(e): Sarah Caney
à partir de 1 US$ 46,20
(incl. TVA)

This webinar covers:

  • brief review of normal renal function/physiology
  • what is chronic kidney disease
  • diagnosis of CKD: history, clinical examination, laboratory findings
  • IRIS staging and usefulness of this
  • early diagnosis of CKD and why this is difficult
  • treatment focusses on home management rather than hospital care – therefore includes discussion of renal diets, support of poor appetite/vomiting, maintaining normal hydration, hyperphosphataemia and its importance (including diagnosis, IRIS recommendations, P binders and when/how to use these), hypokalaemia, hypertension, use of ACE inhibtors in CKD
  • frequency and nature of recommended check-ups.

Language: English

In case you have missed this webinar, you have the opportunity to watch a recorded version here.

This webinar qualifies for one (1) hour of continuing education.


Sarah Caney

Sarah M. A. Caney BVSc PhD DSAM(Feline) MRCVS

Sarah Caney is an internationally recognised veterinary specialist in feline medicine who has worked as a feline-only vet for more than twenty years. She trained as a specialist at the University of Bristol, England and is one of only fourteen recognised specialists in feline medicine working within the UK. Sarah has written many articles for veterinarians and cat owners and works closely with the cat charity, International Cat Care ( Sarah has written or co-written four books published by her business Vet Professionals ( –  ‘Caring for an elderly cat’ (co-authored with Vicky Halls), ‘Caring for a cat with chronic kidney disease’,  ‘Caring for a cat with hyperthyroidism’ and ‘Caring for a cat with lower urinary tract disease’ (co-authored with Professor Danièlle Gunn- Moore). Sarah conducts online owner surveys and has published much of her research results in the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery. As a clinician she enjoys seeing a mixture of first opinion and referral feline patients. Sarah has been invited to lecture on feline medicine at veterinary conferences all over the world.

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