The Clinical Approach to Paraplegia in Dogs

The inability to regulate the range and rate of movement is known as
Vestibular ataxia
Cerebellar ataxia
Proprioceptive ataxia
Where would you localise? Monoplegia, postural reaction deficits on both pelvic limbs and normal spinal reflexes in all four limbs
L4-S3 myelopathy
C1-C5 myelopathy
T3-L3 myelopathy
What does a Schiff-Sherrington posture indicate?
Acute, severe, C6-T2 myelopathy
Acute, severe T3-L3 myelopathy
Acute, mild, T3-L3 myelopathy
Chronic, progressive, C6-T2 myelopathy
Posture – Schiff Sherrington, Which statement is true?
This posture has a prognostic factor – guarded prognosis
This posture does not have a prognostic factor
If a dog shows a strong withdrawal reflex, this is indicative of good superficial nociception
Spinal Shock is
a permanent loss of muscle tone and segmental spinal reflexes in the limbs cranial and caudal to an acute and severe spinal cord injury
a transient loss of muscle tone and segmental spinal reflexes in the limbs caudal to an acute and severe spinal cord injury
a permanent loss of muscle tone and segmental spinal reflexes in the limbs caudal to an acute and severe spinal cord injury
a transient loss of muscle tone and segmental spinal reflexes in the limbs cranial and caudal to an acute and severe spinal cord injury
When are the vertebral fracture luxations considered unstable based on the three vertebral column compartment theory
All three must always be disrupted to consider the fracture unstable
When two of the three vertebral column compartments (lateral, middle and medial) are disrupted
When two or more of the three vertebral column compartments (dorsal, middle and ventral) are disrupted
When one or more of the three vertebral column compartments (dorsal, middle and ventral) are disrupted
A dog presented with peracute, non-progressive, non-painful, lateralized T3-L3 myelopathy, which of the following differentials would be the most likely?
Intervertebral disc protrusion
Ischaemic myelopathy
Peracute onset of non-ambulatory tetraparesis with normal spinal reflexes in all four limbs with normal mental status, Where would it be your neurolocalisation?
C1-C5 myelopathy
C6-T2 myelopathy
T3-L3 myelopathy
L4-S3 myelopathy
Chronic progressive paraplegia with absent spinal reflexes on both pelvic limbs and normal on the thoracic limbs with normal mental status, Where would it be your neurolocalisation?
C1-C5 myelopathy
C6-T2 myelopathy
T3-L3 myelopathy
L4-S3 myelopathy