Nursing the End-Stage Cancer Patient - Nurse's Role

  • Nursing the End-Stage Cancer Patient - Nurse's Role
The goal of palliative treatment is to cure the disease.
How can quality of life be assessed?
Canine Owner-Reported Quality of Life (CORQ) scale
Conversations with the owner
All of above
Definition of metastasis is a spread of cancer cells to other parts of the body locally or distant from the primary location of the tumour.
How do you calculate Resting Energy Requirement (RER)?
a. RER = 70 x (BWkg)0.75
b. RER = 30 x (BWkg) + 70
c. RER = 90 x (BWkg)0.75
d. a and b
Which one of the following does NOT improve quality of life?
Controlling pain
Provide comfortable bedding
Slippery floor
Offering food that is tasty and comforting
What is the most correct definition of cachexia?
It is a condition that the animals lose their muscle with fat loss.
It is a condition that the animals lose their muscle with or without fat loss.
It is a condition that the animals gain weight due to cancer
It is a condition that the animals gain fat due to cancer.
'Pawspice' is the only palliative treatment to treat cancer patients.
Phantom limb pain (PLP) has been reported in veterinary patients.
What resource(s) can be used to help pet loss and grief?
Pet and people website
AVA counselling service
Beyond Blue
All of above
What is inappropriate when caring for a recumbent patient?
a. Cleaning the genital area
b. Placing a nappy but not frequently checked
c. Draining urine from urinary catheter without aseptic technique
d. b and c