Treatment advances in Feline Infectious Peritonitis

  • Treatment advances in Feline Infectious Peritonitis
Which of the following tests is NOT helpful for FIP diagnosis?
Feline Coronavirus Immunocytochemistry (direct immunofluorescence or IFA) on effusions
Feline Coronavirus Antibody titres on serum
Feline Coronavirus Immunohistochemistry (IHC) on tissue
Feline Coronavirus PCR on pleural or peritoneal effusions
Measuring feline coronavirus antibody titres in serum is NOT recommended due to which of the following statements:
It only indicates past or present infection with any feline coronavirus, not FIPV
There is HUGE overlap between the FCoV titres of cats with FIP and healthy cats especially young cats from a cattery.
A negative result cannot rule out FIP because not all cats exposed to FCoV will mount a detectable antibody response
All of the above
With regards to age at diagnosis of FIP, which of the following statements is most correct?
FIP is primarily diagnosed in cats under 2 years of age, though can affect cats of any age.
FIP is primarily diagnosed in cats over the age of 2 years.
FIP is diagnosed across all age groups evenly.
FIP is exclusively diagnosed in cats under 2 years of age.
Which of the following are NOT generally characteristics of FIP effusions?
High protein (>35g/L)
High cellularity (>20,000 cells/ml)
Yellow colour with sticky consistency
Reduced albumin/globulin ratio (<0.4)
When considering broad treatment approaches to a disease like FIP, which of the following may be helpful to consider:
Immune modulation
Direct anti-viral treatment
All of the above
Which of the following drugs has not been investigated for treatment of FIP?
Remdesivir (GS-5734)
With regards to our preliminary findings with remdesivir dose rates for treatment of neurological forms of FIP, which of the following statements is correct?
Neurological FIP has not been shown to respond to remdesivir, treatment is not recommended.
Neurological FIP appears to require a lower dose of remdesivir to achieve remission.
Neurological FIP appears to require a higher dose of remdesivir to achieve remission.
Neurological FIP requires the same dose rate of remdesivir to other forms of FIP.
Which of the following antimalarial drugs has been shown to inhibit feline coronavirus in vitro and be well tolerated in clinically normal cats?
Under Australian law, which of the following statements is true with regards to compounded medications:
Compounded medications are not seen as veterinary chemicals under the Ag Vet Code, therefore are exempt from AVPMA registration.
Compounded medications are seen as veterinary chemicals under the Ag Vet Code, therefore must be formally registered with the AVPMA.
Compounded medications are a cheap alternative to registered drugs so are always the preferred option in veterinary practice.
Compounded medications created for use in feline medicine specifically, are exempt from AVPMA registration.
Is FIP now considered to be a treatable disease?
All of the above