Femoral Head and Neck Ostectomy

What instrument is contraindicated for performing FHNE
Saggital Saw
Bone cutters
Gigli Wire
What surgical approach is recommended for FHNE?
Craniolateral approach
Dorsal Approach
Ventral approach
Caudolateral approach
How would you increase the detection of excess femoral neck?
Performing a straight VD radiograph
Internally rotating the stifles on VD radiograph
Performing a VD frog leg radiograph
Externally rotating the stifles by 30 - 45 degrees on VD radiograph
Which condition is not an indication for FHNE
Acetabular fracture
Femoral head fracture
Sacroiliac luxation
Hip dysplasia
Sciatic entrapment is a complication of FHNE and can be treated by
Total hip replacement
Partial ischiectomy
Bicipital sling
What is the cause for mechanical lameness after FHNE?
Nerve damage
Dorsal displacement of femur during motion
Behaviour reasons
Patient is in persistent pain
What trajectory should the osteotomy be?
Perpendicular to the femoral neck
Parallel to the sagittal plane, angled 10-40 degrees towards the femoral head to account for femoral neck retroversion
Transverse to the femoral long axis
It does not matter
Which instrument produces the least amount of bone trauma when performing osteotomy for FHNE
Gigli wire
Bone Cutters
Saggital Saw
What is the primary goal of FHNE?
Produce a normal gait
Produce a functional pain free outcome
Return to athletic function
Why should the arthrotomy be parallel to the axis of the femoral neck?
To preserve capsular vascularity
To gain better exposure to the femoral neck
To gain better exposure to the greater trochanter
To gain better exposure to the teres ligament