
Webinar 6.png

Questions about VHS - VLAS - EPIC. We know the answers - Ukraine Charity

Dauer: 1:25 h
Referent: USAVA, Adrian Boswood, Sonya Gordon
ab 1 US$ 49,40
(inkl. USt.)

This webinar will be hosted by Dr. Adrian Boswood, Professor of Veterinary Cardiology at the Royal Veterinary College, UK and Dr. Sonya Gordon, Professor of Cardiology of Texas A&M University, USA.

The topic of this webinar will focus on scientific evidence for Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease and span to the diagnosis of early B2 stage without echocardiography. 

Language: English

Recording from 14 June 2023

This program has been approved for 1 hour of continuing education credit in jurisdictions that recognize RACE approval. 


Gastgeber dieses Webinars sind Dr. Adrian Boswood, Professor für Veterinärkardiologie am Royal Veterinary College, UK und Dr. Sonya Gordon, Professorin für Kardiologie an der Texas A&M University, USA.

Das Thema dieses Webinars konzentriert sich auf wissenschaftliche Beweise für myxomatöse Mitralklappenerkrankungen und reicht bis zur Diagnose des frühen B2-Stadiums ohne Echokardiographie.

Sprache: Englisch

Aufnahme vom 14 Juni 2023

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Das Projekt Ukraine Charity Event wird von Boehringer Ingelheim und vet-webinar zugunsten unserer Kollegen in der Ukraine veranstaltet. Alle Mitwirkenden führen ihre Tätigkeit ehrenamtlich durch. Das Projekt hat eine Laufzeit von 1.12.2022 bis 31.07.2023. Alle Einnahmen während dieser Periode werden der USAVA gespendet. Die Webinare dieser Reihe sind auch für Flatrate Kunden kostenpflichtig. Wollen Sie als Flatrate Kunde nicht spenden und bestehen Sie auf einen gratis Zugang, dann wenden Sie sich bitte an

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Adrian Boswood

Dr Adrian Boswood, RCVS (Cardiology), Dipl.ECVIM-CA

Professor of Veterinary Cardiology at the Royal Veterinary College

Adrian graduated as a veterinary surgeon from the University of Cambridge. After a brief period in general practice he joined the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) as an intern in 1990. 

After his internship he undertook an internal medicine residency with a focus on cardiorespiratory medicine. In 1996 he obtained the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Diploma in Veterinary Cardiology and in 2001 became a diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ECVIM) in the sub-speciality of Cardiology. He is a past-President of ECVIM and has been chair of the Standard and Quality committee of the European Board of Veterinary Specialisation. 

He practised as a veterinary cardiologist at the RVC for many years and became Professor of Veterinary Cardiology in 2009. He is currently Vice Principal for Learning, Teaching and Assessment at the RVC.

He is actively involved in clinical research in veterinary cardiology and has participated in several influential clinical trials. His primary area of research interest is in the diagnosis, staging and management of myxomatous mitral valve disease.

Sonya Gordon

Sonya G Gordon, BSc, DVM, DVSc, Diplomate ACVIM Cardiology

Sonya G Gordon, BSc, DVM, DVSc, Diplomate ACVIM Cardiology
Professor Cardiology, Eugene Ch'en Chair in Cardiology
Department of Small Animal Clinical Science
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Science
Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA

Dr. Sonya Gordon is ACVIM Diplomate in Cardiology, Professor of cardiology and Eugene Ch’en Chair in Cardiology at Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical ScienceShe has published manuscripts, book chapters and a textbook. Her interests and expertise in teaching have led to many invitations to organize and participate in continuing education events for veterinarians and veterinary cardiologists globally. These opportunities, coupled with her involvement in multicenter international studies, have provided her with a global perspective of veterinary cardiology.  Dr. Gordon considers College Station, Texas home and shares her life with her husband, 2.5 dogs and 2 cats.


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