What's hot and what's not in canine chronic enteropathy
(inkl. USt.)
We will re-discover definitions and nomenclature of canine chronic enteropathy (and why they are changing), specifically why the use of antibiotics is no longer considered appropriate. This links well into a deep dive of how the understanding of CE pathogenesis has changed in recent years, looking at genetics, novel aspects of environmental influence and immunopathogenesis but also the intestinal microbiota. We will examine how this changes the way we assess and treat CE in dogs and why - maintaining an evidence-based approach in clinical practice.
Language: English

Dr.med.vet., PhD, DipECVIM-CA (Internal Medicine), FHEA, FRCVS
Prof. Salavati graduated from the JLU University in Giessen (Germany), where she also completed her doctoral thesis. She holds a ECVIM-CA diploma in small animal internal medicine, and has a special interest in small animal gastroenterology. She completed her PhD at the Royal Veterinary College investigating the effects of probiotics in canine chronic enteropathy. She then was a lecturer and Senior lecturer before she became head of the Small Animal Internal Medicine Service at the University of Edinburgh. She is one of 3 people holding an RCVS-recognised specialist title in Small Animal Gastroenterology and has published 30+ articles and book chapters in this area. She lives in Edinburgh with her husband, her cats “Maisy” and “Guinness”, and her Border Terrier “Jäger”.