Approach to Fever of Unknown Origin Melissa Claus | Default


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Approach to Fever of Unknown Origin

Durée: 1:09 h
Intervenant(e): Melissa Claus
à partir de 1 US$ 46,20
(incl. TVA)

Fever is an adaptive response to inflammation within the body, and is a marker of disease rather than a cause of disease. It is a clinical sign that should prompt an investigation for its underlying cause. In this webinar, I will discuss how and why fever occurs, which disease processes should be considered as an underlying cause of fever, and which diagnostic tests should be considered during a work-up for fever, in light of different clinical signs and patient signalments. 

Recording from 11 May 2023

Melissa Claus

Melissa Claus, DVM, Diplomate ACVECC

I’ve been involved in the veterinary industry for most of my life, first as a vet nurse and later as a veterinarian. I became a boarded specialist in Emergency and Critical Care in 2010. Shortly thereafter, I left the United States for Australia to begin a career in academia at Murdoch University to fulfill my passion for teaching veterinary students, nurses, residents, and interns. Since 2020, I have been a part time teleconsultant for VetCT, where I am part of a global support network of specialists who provide clinical guidance to veterinarians with challenging cases. In 2022, I left academia and joined a private practice specialty hospital in Perth, Australia, where I have been building a brand new small animal ECC service. My primary research interests are circulatory shock and transfusion medicine. Other interests include fluid balance, electrolytes, acid-base, pulmonary physiology, physiology of fever, and extracorporeal therapies.
Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my husband and 3 kiddos, and small menagerie of 2 dogs, 1 cat, 1 rabbit, 1 goat, and 6 chooks.

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