The Hyperthyroid Cat

cTSH measurement (canine) is not used to diagnose feline hyperthyroidism because:
Normal cats often have cTSH below the limit of assay detection
It can be used but not in cats with apathetic hyperthyroidism
Hyperthyroid cats have high cTSH
Hyperthyroid cats have reference range cTSH
Free T4 measurement confirms hyperthyroidism in which situation?
Lower end reference range TT4 and high free T4
High TT4 and lower end reference range free T4
Below reference range TT4 and high free T4
Mid-upper reference range TT4 and high free T4
Methimazole side effects include which one of the following?
Acute kidney injury secondary to direct nephrotoxicity
Thrombocytopenia secondary to bone marrow suppression
Seizures secondary to reduced heart rate and brain hypoxia
Weakness secondary to an immune mediated myopathy
Which of the following antithyroid drug side effects may not require complete cessation of treatment?
Gastrointestinal signs
Bone marrow suppression
Cutaneous drug reaction
Thyroid scintigraphy can be used to:
Definitively diagnose carcinoma in the absence of metastases
Diagnose hypothyroidism
Assess treatment response to methimazole
Determine disease control with an iodine restricted diet
In relation to goitres in hyperthyroid cats:
Approximately ¼ will have functional ectopic tissue
70% have unilateral goitres
Goitre palpation can usually differentiate carcinoma from hyperplasia
Goitres are always functional
A diagnosis of hypothyroidism is confirmed by identifying:
Low TT4, low free T4 and high TSH
Low TT4, low free T4 and low TSH
Low TT4, high free T4 and low TSH
Normal TT4, normal free T4 and normal TSH
Left untreated, persistent hypothyroidism leads to:
Reduced GFR and progressive CKD
Increased GFR and progressive CKD
Normal GFR and progressive CKD
Low GFR and acute kidney injury
The cardiac biomarker NT-proBNP:
Is increased in cats with primary HCM and hyperthyroidism
Can differentiate primary HCM and hyperthyroidism pre-treatment
Stays increased after curative treatment of cats with hyperthyroidism alone
Reduces over time in cats with primary HCM
Which of the following is not a clinical sign of hypothyroidism in cats?
Weight gain
Truncal alopecia