Knocked off Balance: Nursing Care of the Vestibular Patient

  • Knocked off Balance: Nursing Care of the Vestibular Patient
There are 3 forms of vestibular disease. These are
Peripheral, central, and paradoxical
Cerebellar, paradoxical and peripheral
Intrinsic, extrinsic and paradoxical
In peripheral vestibular disease, which cranial nerve is directly effected?
Cranial nerve V
Cranial nerve VI
Cranial nerve VII
Cranial nerve VIII
Idiopathic vestibular disease is most commonly seen in
Intact females
Neutered males
Which of the following are clinical signs of vestibular disease?
Head tilt and falling to one side
All of the above
The mainstay of care for patients with vestibular signs is
Antibiotic therapy
Immunomodulatory drugs
Symptomatic care
Advanced imaging
How frequently should recumbent patient care be performed?
Every 2 hours
Every 4-6 hours
Every 8-12 hours
Every 24 hours
What does recumbency care include?
Thick, padded bedding to prevent injury and pressure sores
Passive range of motion exercises
Elimination support
All of the above
What is one of the most frequent causes of peripheral vestibular disease?
Meningitis of unknown cause
Cerebrovascular accident
Otitis media
None of the above
How is idiopathic vestibular disease diagnosed?
Neurological examination
Exclusion of all other causes in older patients with clinical signs
Advanced imaging
Haematology and biochemistry testing
What is ataxia?
Rapid, involuntary eye movements
Poor response of the pupil to light
A tilting of the head
Abnormal, uncoordinated movements