Euthanasia Techniques for Exotics

What are obstacle to being able to perform a euthanasia
Small patient size
Hypovolaemic shock leading to peripheral vein collapse
Severe dyspnoea
All of the above.
What is NOT a disadvantage when using a sedative given intramuscularly?
fast onset
drug causes hypotension and thus peripheral vein collapse
cost of vial when only small amount is used
documentation required with scheduled drugs of addiction
Which statement is correct. Euthanasia is performed when:
the catheter is placed but before sedation as sedation is not needed.
during stage I excitation when breath-holding.
once the pet reaches stage III anaesthesia – no response to toe pinch
the animal is taken away from the client as they don’t need to see their pet die.
Suitable veins for catheterisation in the guinea pig include:
a) cephalic vein
b) lateral saphenous vein
c) lateral tarsal vein
d) jugular vein
e) A, B and C
What is a recommended euthanasia techniques for rats that can be used while the owner is present
Cervical dislocation
Carbon dioxide inhalation
Anaesthesia followed by intracardiac injection of euthanasia solution
Intraperitoneal euthanasia solution
What are suitable sedation medications for rabbits prior to euthanasia?
Any of the above
What is the correct answer. Mask induction of anaesthesia of the rabbit prior to euthanasia
Is always smooth and occurs within a minute
Will take a few minutes and breath-holding is common
Is not needed as just intravenous euthanasia solution can be given
Must never be used as rabbits may jump off the table
Reasons for euthanasia of exotic pets may include
dyspnoea due to end stage lung disease
broken spine
any of the above
The heart can be located in a rodent by:
Does not need to be accurate, injecting into the chest cavity will be sufficient.
Palpating the apex beat behind the elbow, 1cm above the sternum
Giving the injection between the front legs, level with the collarbones
Death is confirmed by:
Absence of corneal reflex
Cessation of breathing for longer than 3 minutes
Absence of heartbeat
All of the above