Nursing the Heatstroke Patient

What can cause an elevated blood urea nitrogen level?
Decreased renal perfusion
Gastrointestinal bleeding
Renal failure
A combination of all three
Exertional heat stroke in animals may be caused by which of the following options:
Confinement in a hot car
Exposure to high temperature & humidity
Strenuous physical exercise
Having hair dried at groomers
Hyperthermia in animals can be described as:
A significant and potentially dangerous drop in body temperature.
Body core temperature increased above it’s normal range
An excess of total body sodium & water
What are some of the body systems affected by heatroke?
All of the above
In a triage, what would make you take an animal straight to treatment room:
Torn nail - no longer actively bleeding but strike through from bandage messing up the consult room floor
Respiratory distress
The animal with the owner who wants a tour of “out the back”
"Fluffy” who has not eaten dinner and the owner requests immediate attention
In a heatstroke patient, what do you assess in the CNS upon arrival?
Circling & weakness/ataxia
Blindness & deafness
If they sit when instructed
Seizures, decreased mentation, cranial nerve deficits (pupillary light response), ataxia/ difficulty walking & cortical blindness
Upon arrival to the clinic, as a nurse the initial treatment you start on a heatstroke patient is:
Active cooling, blood draw & fluid therapy
Wrap in a wet blanket and leave in cage to cool down
Blood draw - jugular stick
Fluid bolus followed by blood draw
At what temperature do you cease active cooling to prevent hypothermic overshoot?
What are the most common arrhythmias seen in a heatstroke patient?
Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT)
Atrial fibrillation
Ventricular premature complexes and ventricular tachycardia
Atrioventricular (AV) block
What prevention options should you discuss with clients
Don’t allow your animal to become obese
Don’t leave your animal in the car
Be the human in the relationship & stop the game
All of the above