Monitoring the Recovering Ill or Injured Patient: Key Points

  • Monitoring the Recovering Ill or Injured Patient: Key Points
Arterial blood pressure measurements are required for many patients. In addition to the blood pressure measurement, the oscillometric method also measures which of the following?
Heart rate
Respiratory rate and ECG
None of the above
All of the above
For some patients, management with analgesics may mask the signs of deterioration due to hypoxia, hypotension, hypercarbia and hypovolemia and therefore, analgesics should be withheld until these parameters are corrected
The physical assessment of the patient’s fluid volume is essential. Which of the following indicate the early signs of volume overload?
Increased respiratory rate, restlessness
Visibility of saphenous vein
All of the above
None of the above
In addition to monitoring temperature, pulse and respiratory rate, urine production and ability to void is also very important and should be assessed frequently to identify:
Detrusor dysfunction
Urinary tract injuries/obstruction
Fluid volume assessment
All of the above
When calculating fluid requirements for a patient with a temperature of 39.5C, which of the following should be added to the basic fluid volume amount calculated
5% of the daily fluid requirement
10% of the daily fluid requirement
12.5% of the daily fluid requirement
None of the above
Fluid requirement can be assessed by observing the colour of the urine
For recumbent patients in the ICU passive limb movement may be beneficial in reducing hospital stay
Following a standard IV bolus dose of an opioid resulting in dysphoria, nausea or panting it can be assumed that the analgesic dose is excessive and the patient is no longer painful
Where rectal temperature is difficult to obtain due to pain and/or aggression, which of the following routes is recommended for continuing temperature assessment
Oral temperature
Axillary temperature
Rectal temperature with assistance
All of the above
Placement of a urinary catheter is always required for assessment of urine volume produced