Modern Euthanasia: The good death revolution (for Nurses)

  • Modern Euthanasia: The good death revolution (for Nurses)
Which of the following was not included in the 14 Essential Components of Companion Animal Euthanasia (created by CAETA)?
Adequate time
Exclusion of loved ones
Deliver proper technique
Use of pre-euthanasia sedation/anesthesia
Which of the following is a form of modern grief support?
Sympathy card
Written pet loss guide
Reassurance for the client
All of the above
Which of the following is NOT important when scheduling euthanasia?
The ability of the staff to slow down and prepare
Enough time to safely perform the procedure
The necessary supplies available
All of the above are important
Which of the following is NOT true regarding safe space to gather?
Soft lighting is encouraged
Privacy is not important to clients
The safest place may be at the client’s home
All loved ones should be welcomed
Which of the following is a gold standard of Modern Euthanasia practices?
Keep the client and pet together during euthanasia
Remove the pet to the treatment area for catheter placement
Suggest the client leave before euthanasia begins
Place the pet behind a private screen so the client does not have to see what’s happening
Why is pre-euthanasia sedation or anesthesia important?
It provides a pain-free passing for pets
It allows the pet to sleep during the final injection
It increases technique choices
All of the above
When is it advisable to provide pre-euthanasia sedation or anesthesia?
After intravenous catheter placement
Before any euthanasia injection preparations are made
Following the death of the patient
None of the above
Which of the following is NOT true regarding pre-euthanasia sedation or anesthesia?
Anesthesia is stronger than sedation
Drugs are commonly combined into one syringe for injection
Sedation is stronger than anesthesia
Drugs can be given subcutaneously or into the muscle
Which of the following is NOT a current approved euthanasia technique in companion animals?
Which of the following was discussed as a modern way to market euthanasia services?
Handout euthanasia business cards
Add euthanasia services to hospital websites
Exceed client expectations
Both b and c are correct