When the Worst Happens - Responding to Medical Errors and Adverse Events - Prerecord

  • When the Worst Happens - Responding to Medical Errors and Adverse Events - Prerecord
Adverse Events can be defined as
A medical error that causes harm to a patient
An untoward occurrence related to a medical procedure or medication that may or may not have been preventable
An event that occurs in the hospital that could cause harm
An error related to a procedure or medication
How many people are estimated to die each year in US hospitals secondary to medical errors according to a 2016 article in the British Medical Journal?
An example(s) of a hospital acquired condition includes
a) Waiting for 6 hours in the ER
b) Receiving a double dose of antibiotics with no adverse impact
c) Urinary tract infection after having a urinary catheter in place
d) All of the above
e) a and c
The first step in responding to a medical error that occurs is:
Call the client
Investigate why it occurred
Remove staff from the scene
Check and treat the patient
Figure out financial ramifications
If a pet dies unexpectedly in the hospital, a post mortem is recommended because
a) It can provide important information for preventing future unexpected deaths
b) It will sometimes show an unsuspected reason for the demise
c) It can provide closure for the client and staff
d) All of the above
e) b and c only
Human patients report they want the following included with disclosure of a medical error
A description of what happened
An explanation of short and long-term ramifications
An apology
Assurance that steps will be taken to prevent the error for other patients
All of the above
Common mistakes physicians make with disclosure include:
a) Blaming colleagues and other staff
b) Not apologizing
c) Not discussing how the error will be prevented in the future
d) all of the above
e) a and c
In a study of spay-neuter veterinarians who experienced adverse events, these factors were important in coping and becoming resilient.
a) Technical learning
b) Understanding timeframe for emotional recovery
c) Having a critical write up of the event in their employee file
d) All of the above
e) a and b
Which of these are most effective in preventing future errors?
Forcing functions or constraints
Double check systems
Suggestion to be more careful
What does the Swiss cheese model explain?
Why errors occur when we are hungry
How hazards can become adverse events
How medications are dosed to avoid GI upset
Why adverse events are always due to medical errors