Juggling the Triad of Care at End of Life – The Patient, The Client & The Care Team

  • Juggling the Triad of Care at End of Life – The Patient, The Client & The Care Team
Which combination best describes the core principals of Veterinary Palliative Care:
Minimisation of suffering, elongation of life and treatment of disease
Treatment of disease, elimination of suffering and care of the client-patient unit
Treatment of patient symptoms, care of the client-patient unit and minimisation of suffering
Total pain refers to:
Physical pain
Physical and psychological pain
Physical, psychological, social and spiritual pain.
A multi-disciplinary palliative care team could include paraprofessionals such as groomers:
Pain scales are ideally suited to assessing both acute and chronic pain:
Grimace scales are designed for use with which species:
Dogs and Cats
Quality of life assessment tools may examine which of the following factors:
Pain, appetite and demeanour
Activity levels, continence and water Intake
Body condition, cognition and sleep patterns
All of the above
In a recent study of clients and veterinarians, both these two groups had similar perceptions of what had been communicated about, during consultations involving euthanasia discussions:
What are the four most commonly recognised trajectories of death in human medicine:
Sudden death, toxicity, systemic illness, neurological decline
Sudden death, terminal illness, organ failure, frailty
Examples of psychosocial factors pertaining to a case could include:
The medical history of a previous pet
A client’s finances
Physical strength of a client
Their religious beliefs
The relative geographical location of family members
All of the above
Appropriate consent framework for palliative care cases should include an option for clients to decline future diagnostic testing for their pet but still engage in active veterinary care: