Adjunct Therapies For Canine Neurological Disorders

  • Adjunct Therapies For Canine Neurological Disorders
What is the average age of onset of idiopathic epilepsy in dogs?
< 1 year
1- 3 years
3-6 years
1-6 years.
How frequently should dogs be dosed with C8/C10?
Twice daily
Every other day
Three times daily
Can C8/C10 be given with other medications?
Yes, but not with levetiracetam.
Yes, there is no record of significant drug interactions.
No, it should not be administered with other medications or supplements.
Yes, but should be given at a lower dose.
What are the main benefits associated with C8/C10?
Reduces neuronal inflammation, acts as an alternative fuel source for the brain, improves synaptic function, has anti-epileptogenic effects, and acts as a non-competitive AMPRA receptor inhibitor
Reduces neuronal inflammation, acts as an alternative fuel source for the brain, improves synaptic function, and increases microcirculatory flow and cerebral perfusion
Reduces neuronal inflammation, acts as an alternative fuel source for the brain, improves synaptic function, and binds to a regulatory site on GABAA receptors, prolonging the opening of Cl- channels
Reduces neuronal inflammation, acts as an alternative fuel source for the brain, improves synaptic function, increases microcirculatory flow and cerebral perfusion, and binds to a regulatory site on GABAA receptors, prolonging the opening of Cl- channels.
What are the main side effects associated with C8/C10 supplementation?
Pancreatitis and increase seizure frequency
Pancreatitis and sedation
Mild gastrointestinal signs
There are no known possible side effects
Do MCFAs cross the blood-brain barrier?
No, they must be converted to ketone bodies.
Yes, they can cross without being first metabolized.
Yes, but only after first being metabolized in the gastrointestinal system.
No, they cannot cross.
C10 helps to remove free radicals in the brain, but what is a free radical?
It is a cell with unusual synaptic activity.
It is a cellular organelle.
It is a neurotransmitter.
It is an unstable atom that causes damage to cells in the brain.
The following is an excitatory neurotransmitter:
The following is an inhibitory neurotransmitter:
The following statement is true:
C8 is the only important MCFA for controlling seizures in dogs.
C10 is the only important MCFA for controlling seizures in dogs.
Both C8 and C10 are important MCFAs for controlling seizures in dogs, but current scientific evidence suggests the concentration of C10 should be higher than C8 in a given formulation to achieve the best results.
C8 and C10 are both MCFAs and work in the same way to control seizures in dogs.