Managing Stress In Caged Birds

What is the best way to assess animal welfare?
Using the Five Freedoms
Looking after animals that way that your parents did
Using the skills that you learned at university
Using anthropomorphism
Birds learn best when trained with:
Negative reinforcement
Positive punishment
Negative punishment
Positive reinforcement
Knowing species specific behaviour is important because:
You are more likely to breed successfully
You have more clues to provide an appropriate environment
You will be able to train the bird out of it
You will sound knowledgeable when you talk to your friends
Avian mental health disorders are:
Just made up
Impossible to diagnose
An important welfare issue
A cash grab by veterinarians
A client’s bird is screaming each afternoon. What can you say about this behaviour?
It is a normal behaviour and should be ignored
It is definitely pathological
The bird should be medicated to quieten it
More information must be obtained to make a diagnosis
Your bird will not interact with the toys that you just bought. What does this mean?
Your bird resents you being away
Your bird does not find these toys enriching at this point
Your bird is dumb
Your bird doesn't deserve any more toys.
Your bird has become fearful of hands after a course of oral medication. What should you do?
Never give the bird oral medication again
Always insist on injectable medication
Consider desensitising and counterconditioning your bird through training
Chase the bird and forcefully hold it until it relaxes
Your bird is resisting returning to her cage. Do you:
Never cage the bird again
Wait until the last minute before leaving to return your bird to the cage
Never let the bird out on a day where you have to leave
Manage the situation so that there is always something rewarding in her cage upon her return.
Your bird is giving distress calls when you leave the room. Do you?
Ignore him to avoid reinforcing the noise
Shout back at him to be quiet
Cue when you are about to leave the room, and offer a foraging treat
Turn the light out and leave him in the dark
You want to give your new pigeon some enrichment toys. How will you choose which to provide?
Check the pigeon facebook group.
Ask at the pet store.
Observe your pigeon’s favourite toy interactions, and choose similarly
Pigeons don't need enrichment