Tips for Stress Free Manicures

The first thing to do when preparing for a nail trim is
Talk to the Guardian about what to expect
Get down close to the nails to see how long they are
Take the dog out the back
Walk straight up to greet the dog and offer it a treat
Animals that are stressed are more likely to
Try to move away or hide
Bark, growl, lunge, snap, bite
Dissociate, shake, not interact with staff and not take treats
Whine, pace, jump up on their Guardian, staff or other animals
Any of the above
Latent Inhibition is:
Hiding behind furniture or familiar people
An association between a stimulus and a positive emotion has formed which protects against the later development of a negative association with that same stimulus.
An animal who is delayed in showing relaxed and natural behaviour.
What happens if an animal loves coming to the Vet clinic and races around wagging their tail and greeting everyone.
Which of the following is NOT an equipment option for Nail trims
Nail file or Nail board
Guillotine or scissor style nail clippers
Dremel power tool from hardware store
Natural wear
First experiences at the Vet clinic and with nail trimming are particularly important because
a) b,c & d
b) A positive experience can protect the animal from forming a fear response in the future
c) A positive experience can more easily be made when no prior negative experience has yet occurred
d) Preventing the development of a fear response is much easier than treating one
How many people should be present for a nail trim?
a) One- A staff member to trim alone (taken away from the Guardians)
b) Two -One staff member trimming and the Guardian managing the animal
c) Three -One staff member trimming, one staff member managing the animal and the Guardian present but not assisting.
d) As many as it takes to restrain the pet
e) b or c
Which techniques are recommended to assist with nail trims
Coercion and Force
Distraction, Operant Conditioning, Flooding and Sedative medication
Distraction, Classical Conditioning, considered approach and Anxiolytic medication.
Changing an animal’s response to having their nails trimmed once they have developed a fear of nail trimming,
Is a matter of continuing to trim and they will get over it
Is a matter of restraining the animal firmly and they will realise they have no choice
Can never happen and you should ask them not to come to your clinic anymore
Is a slow process of Counter Conditioning and Systematic Desensitisation
When using pre-visit Anxiolytic Medication
Give at appropriate time to allow full efficacy at time of the Veterinary visit
Use all the Low Stress and Force Free Handling techniques you would if the animal had not been medicated.
Assess the animal’s body language and responses and do not proceed if there are still signs of stress, fear, or Anxiety.
All of the above
Charlie is MN, 3yo Golden Retriever, owned by Mr & Mrs Jones who has arrived at your clinic for a nail trim. Charlie barks at the other person in the reception area and when he sees a person walk past the front window. He has his tail between his legs and his ears flat down the sides of his head. Charlie barks then pulls towards the exit when the staff member enters the room. The staff member throws treats which Charlie does not eat and when the staff member moves slowly closer Charlie growls. During discussion the Guardians explain Charlie has had a nail trimmed too short at a previous clinic and he would no longer enter that clinic. Do you-
a) Get a muzzle for the Jone’s to put on Charlie and trim the nails as he growls.
b) Explain that Charlie is showing fear signs and the clinics policy, based on scientific evidence, is not to force him.
c) Explain Charlie is showing fear signs and he will be more compliant if he is taken out the back to have his nails done.
d) Recommend booking in a nail trim Consultation so you have time to work slowly and positively with Charlie, discuss pre-visit anxiolytic medication, and educate Guardians on the options for managing Charlie’s nails into the future.
e) b & d