DKA - Mind the (anion) gap Kylie Kelers | Default



DKA - Mind the (anion) gap

Durée: 0:31 h
Intervenant(e): Kylie Kelers
à partir de 1 US$ 46,20
(incl. TVA)

I love it when I get to treat a DKA patient. This is a condition that is easy to diagnose, and even though it is acutely life threatening, if we manage these patients correctly, the prognosis for discharge is good. The response of our treatment is rapidly visible: correction of severe hypovolaemia, acid-base and electrolyte abnormalities make these patients feel better within hours. This webinar will use case-based teaching with a focus on the diagnosis and treatment of DKA. Pathophysiology will also be discussed as an understanding the pathophysiology goes a long way to increasing our understanding of how to manage these patients. As not all of you are lucky enough to have 24-hour facilities, protocols for both 24-hour facilities and limits-hour practices will be discussed. By the end of this seminar you will feel confident in your diagnosis and management decisions for these very complex but very rewarding patients.

Recording from 28 November 2019

Kylie Kelers

Kylie Kelers BSc BVMS MVS FANZCVS (Emergency and Critical Care)

Kylie graduated from veterinary school in Australia. With the enthusiasm of a new graduate, she joined an outback veterinary practice to be one of only two veterinarians servicing 270,000 square kilometres of desert in northern Australia. In contrast with this experience, she then practiced as a small animal veterinarian in Great Britain and follow this with a stint as a country practitioner in tropical Queensland. In 2000 she headed south to join the University of Melbourne Veterinary Hospital Emergency and Critical Care (ECC) service. Her passion for all things ECC was sparked. In 2014 Kylie was awarded specialist-level qualifications in ECC through fellowship of the Australian College of Veterinary Scientists. Kylie has a passion for both teaching and ECC. She is currently employed as a senior lecturer for the University of Melbourne Veterinary School and enjoys teaching both undergraduate students and the University’s online graduate certificate in small animal ECC.

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