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Webinar Archive


Canine Paediatrics and the Neonatal Period

Our understanding of neonatal medicine in the canine is evolving and the science is expanding. With the value of pups rising and breeders wanting to maximise the outcomes of their litters, veterinarians increasingly are being presented with neonates that are compromised and need attention. This webinar explores the neonatal period in the canine and the current medical treatments in canine pediatrics.
Duration: 1:02 h
Speaker: Xavier Schneider
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Veterinary Forensic Investigations

Attendees will learn about the different types of animal cruelty and how veterinarians can assist during an animal cruelty investigation. 
Duration: 0:50 h
Speaker: Adam Stern
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Managing Stress In Caged Birds

Many of the ways in which we keep our pet birds can result in stress, and this lecture will discuss ways to reduce that impact.
Duration: 0:51 h
Speaker: Deborah Monks
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Anaesthesia Mistake Awareness For Nurses

During this session, you'll discover the most common causes of anaesthesia-related errors as well as insight on how to prevent them...

Duration: 0:54 h
Speaker: Heidi Reuss-Lamky
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Emergency Presentations in Exotic Pets

Emergency presentations in Exotic pets don’t have to be scary- there are only 4 steps needed to save these little lives.

Duration: 0:52 h
Speaker: Jaclyn Gatt
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Body Fluid Analysis for the Veterinary Nurse 

In this webinar, the learner will gain a broad understanding of specimen collection, handling and analysis of commonly encountered body fluids.

Duration: 0:53 h
Speaker: Anneka Pierzga
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Nurse Consults - Making the Most of Nurse Skills in GP 

Nurses have a vital role to play in the veterinary practice, in the advice of clients, diagnostics work and preventative healthcare...
Duration: 0:54 h
Speaker: Nicola Lakeman
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Nursing the emergency neonate/pediatric patient

Nursing the emergency neonate and paediatric patient.

During the webinar we will look at what defines a neonate and pediatric patient, we will cover common emergency presentations for these groups and the nursing care required to treat them.

Duration: 1:04 h
Speaker: Kate Tinney
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Wrapping your head around Neurological Emergencies

A practical approach and review of the most common neurological emergencies faced in Emergency Veterinary Medicine in Australia

Duration: 0:58 h
Speaker: Jennifer Mercer
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

The Anatomy of the Elbow - relearn and apply it!

Let us revise the anatomy of the canine elbow and use this knowledge to understand and easily identify relevant deviations to normal.
Duration: 1:04 h
Speaker: Maria Munz
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Feeding Trends in Dogs and Cats - What's the Science (for Nurses)

Vet Nurses are often the first people our clients speak to about diet, and these days there are so many options - raw, dry kibble, wet food, vegan food and homemade diets. It's very important that nurses are able to discuss these options with clients, with the correct scientific information to share.

Duration: 0:58 h
Speaker: Stefanie Handl
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

How to Conduct a Debrief Session and How to Look After Staff After Unexpected or Traumatic Outcomes 

Debriefing is an important tool that can help preserve mental health and facilitate processing of difficult events so that their ongoing impact is minimised.

Duration: 0:49 h
Speaker: David Foote
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Nursing the Heatstroke Patient

A discussion about nursing patients through the various pathophysiologcal changes associated with heat stroke.
Duration: 1:57 h
Speaker: Karina Rowe
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Approaching the Itchy Dog - A Guide for Nurses 

A guide to nurses can help in the workup of pruritic dogs. 
Pruritus can be confusing - and that's just learning how to spell it! What is it that makes dogs itch? What can we do about it? How do we reach a diagnosis? 
Duration: 0:44 h
Speaker: John Hutt
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Working with Raw Fed Pets

Raw Feeding continues to be a controversial topic for many, but with a four-fold increase in owners feeding raw food since 2008 (66% percent of owners reported that part of their pets' regular food was 'Raw Food') we need to find constructive ways of working with raw fed pets and their owners.
Duration: 0:54 h
Speaker: Charlotte Gray
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Anti-Doping during Pre-Purchase Exams

Emmanuelle van Erck will discuss important facts about Anti-Doping during Pre-Purchase-Exams.
Duration: 0:53 h
Speaker: Emmanuelle van Erck
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

The new puppy at your clinic - building a solid foundation

Experiences at an early age can have profound effects on animals. Learn how your actions, interactions and advice can have long-term beneficial effects on the health and welfare of your patients from a very early age...

Duration: 0:54 h
Speaker: Sally Nixon
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Triage and Emergency care of Exotic and Avian Patients 

A webinar focusing on triage and emergency care of avian and exotic patients 
This webinar is designed to assist nurses in developing knowledge and confidence in triage and emergency care of exotics and avian patients. 
Duration: 1:01 h
Speaker: Natalia Otavski
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Adjunct Therapies For Canine Neurological Disorders: Efficacy of Medium Chain Triglycerides

This presentation highlights recent clinical research and application of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA) as an adjunct therapy for canine idiopathic epilepsy (IE) and canine cognitive decline (CCD).
Duration: 0:45 h
Speaker: Alice Edwards, Sean Hughes
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Running with Dogs

There is a great deal of misinformation regarding exercising young dogs. Much of this is anecdotal without scientific evidence. While there is much to be learned regarding exercise and training of young dogs, there is a growing body of evidence that suggests young dogs can safely exercise and train. However, there are some precautions. The evidence of exercise in young dogs and these cautions will be discussed in this talk.
Duration: 0:55 h
Speaker: Darryl Millis
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

The Diagnosis and Management of Gut Stasis in Rabbits

"Rabbits just die, don't they?" Is a common phrase heard in emergency clinics. The fact is sick rabbits can often be diagnosed and saved - and using many of the skills that emergency vets already possess!..
Duration: 1:18 h
Speaker: Gerry Skinner
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

You want me to put what, where?

Urinary Catheter placement in male and female dogs. 
Duration: 0:49 h
Speaker: Laura Salmond
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Cat Friendly and Stress Free Medicating Techniques

The toolbox of feline friendly pharmacology - from reformulation of common drugs to optimising injection or other administration techniques...

Duration: 0:52 h
Speaker: Serina Filler
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Knocked off Balance: Nursing Care of the Vestibular Patient

Practical nursing care of the vestibular patient

Duration: 0:35 h
Speaker: Anneka Pierzga
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Pre-operative and intra-operative surgical considerations for haemabdomen

Haemabdomen - What to consider before embarking upon surgery 
A haemabdomen is commonly identified in emergency practice. This presentation is often accompanied by standard owner communication where the assumption is that the bleeding is originating from a splenic mass that is presumed to be a haemangiosarcoma...
Duration: 0:45 h
Speaker: Carla Appelgrein
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

From tetraplegia to paraplegia – managing acute spinal cord injury for nurses

Acutely paralysed dogs and cats can be some of the most challenging and stressful patients to manage in veterinary practice. Effective teamwork between vets, nurses and support staff, as well as a logical clinical approach are key to the management...
Duration: 1:06 h
Speaker: Joe Fenn
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Clinical Approach to Hypercalcaemia

Hypercalcaemia for the emergency vet 

Hypercalcaemia is an interesting yet complicated disorder in cats and dogs. We can see this as both an emergency and a chronic presentation...

Duration: 0:58 h
Speaker: Kerry Doolin
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Everyday Pharmacology for Veterinary Nurses.

Once the drugs are within the body the drug is then absorbed and distributed around the body. This physical process occurs through a number of processes – diffusion, penetration across membranes, binding to plasma proteins and partition into fat and other tissues. This process is called drug disposition and is divided into four stages:
Duration: 0:57 h
Speaker: Nicola Lakeman
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Treatment advances in Feline Infectious Peritonitis

Feline Infectious Peritonitis is now considered to be a treatable disease...
Duration: 0:50 h
Speaker: Sally Coggins
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Oncology Insights - Pathology and Treatment of Mast Cell Tumours

High grade? Low grade?  Grade 1, 2, 3?  Ki-67? AgNOR? KIT?  Arrgggghhhh, but what do all these things mean for my patient!?   
Duration: 0:50 h
Speaker: Jessica Finlay
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Have a Belly Full - The Emergency Approach to Haemoperitoneum

Haemoperitoneum is a common emergency encountered by small animal veterinarians. Patients with abdominal bleeding often present critically unwell and require rapid stabilisation and diagnostics, on top of involved communication with their humans! 
Duration: 1:04 h
Speaker: Rebekah Donaldson
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Canine Breeding Management for Vet Nurses

A description of structure, function and management of canine reproduction, with emphasis on artificial breeding technologies.
Duration: 1:03 h
Speaker: Scott Norman
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Intervertebral Disc Disease

This webinar focuses on diagnosis and management of diseases associated with intervertebral disc degeneration including that associated with chondrodystrophism, chronic type II disc extrusion in older dogs...
Duration: 1:00 h
Speaker: Clare Rusbridge
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Tips and Tricks for Diagnosing Cushings Disease and Hypothyroidism

Diagnosing canine endocrinopathies can be challenging – the patient is old, sluggish and has a poor coat, but is the T4 low due to hypothyroidism or low due to one of the multiple concurrent diseases the dog has? Why does this patient have all the hallmarks of Cushing’s disease and yet the LDDST is normal? At what point can I say that the dog with multiple chronic diseases definitely has Cushing’s and isn’t a false positive?...
Duration: 0:49 h
Speaker: Katherine Briscoe
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Restraint and Handling Difficult Patients

Appropriate restraint and handling of our veterinary patients is important not only from a staff and owner safety standpoint but also vital to our patient's health and anxiety while in the hospital. This webinar will help you learn...
Duration: 0:51 h
Speaker: Megan Brashear
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Twitching Cats – Demystifying Feline Hyperesthesia (for Nurses)

Feline hyperaesthesia syndrome (FHS) is a poorly understood disorder that causes a variety of symptoms including tail chasing; biting or licking the lumbar area, flank, anal area, or tail; and skin rippling and muscle spasms of the dorsal lumbar area. Some affected cats make unusual vocalisations and will have episodes of wild, frantic running.
Duration: 0:51 h
Speaker: Martine van Boeijen
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Das Beste fürs Kalb

"Dairy Calf Welfare" 

Does the young dairy calf remember when we dehorn them?

"Tun wir genug gegen Schmerz"

Duration: 0:55 h
Speaker: Ulrike Exner, Nina Keyserlingk
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Inflammatory Bowel Disease for Nurses

The causes of IBD can be multifactorial and therefore more challenging to diagnose. This lecture will explore the different aetiologies for IBD and how these effect what long-term treatment or management regimes are utilised...
Duration: 1:03 h
Speaker: Nicola Lakeman
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Nursing the end-stage cancer patient 

As veterinary patients age, they are more susceptible to diseases and cancer. This webinar will cover the basic cancer biology, treatment options and palliative care... 
Duration: 0:53 h
Speaker: Momoko Ito
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Feline Arterial Thromboembolism

Feline arterial thromboembolism (FATE) is characterised by the embolisation of a clot in an artery in the systemic circulation. The artery in which the clot will eventually lodge depends on the origin of the clot itself ... 
Duration: 0:55 h
Speaker: Luca Ferasin
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Interesting Radiographic Case Studies

This webinar will go through multiple interesting radiographic case studies that I have collected during my time as a referral radiologist.
Duration: 0:57 h
Speaker: Catheryn Walsh
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Insights into Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS) and Equine Cushing's (PPID)

Endocrinological disease is a well recognised and currently highly researched topic in equine medicine. Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction - occurring most commonly in the older equid population, and Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS)...
Duration: 0:48 h
Speaker: Cristina Rosales
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Monitoring diabetes in dogs and cats using the Freestyle Libre continuous glucose sensor

Flash glucose monitoring using the Freestyle Libre system is a practical method of obtaining continuous glucose data from diabetic dogs and cats, and is much more affordable and available than other continuous glucose monitors. It does not require calibration...
Duration: 0:45 h
Speaker: Linda Fleeman
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Clinical approach of patients with sodium disturbances - for Nurses

Goals of the lecture will be able to appropriately treat hyponatremia and hypernatremia, with both acute and chronic changes. We will review the sodium and water balance physiology, discussing triggers and ...
Duration: 0:54 h
Speaker: Julien Guillaumin
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Hot tips on pathology submissions

Diagnostic pathology provides veterinarians with vital information for diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of diseases in animals. There are many things vets can do to help get the maximum benefit from their pathology testing. Ensuring samples are correctly collected, stored and prepared is just as important as test accuracy and helps the laboratory to provide you with accurate and reliable results.
Duration: 0:49 h
Speaker: Leanne Twomey
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Preparing Pets for Air Travel – How to Reduce Stress during Relocation

Air travel is becoming increasingly popular in pets.
Over 2 million pets and other live animals are transported by air every year in the United States alone (US Department of Transportation, 2020) ...
Duration: 0:47 h
Speaker: Katrin Jahn
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Endocrine Emergencies - Case Discussions

Most endocrinopathies are chronic diseases but can present acutely to the emergency practice.  Derangements in fluid balance, electrolytes, acid/base disturbances, and energy homeostasis secondary to endocrinopathies can range from the mild to the severely life-threatening... 
Duration: 1:03 h
Speaker: Aaron Herndon
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)

Time management - How to triage everything!

Time management is a key aspect of veterinary nursing, especially when the clinic gets busy. Being efficient and able to prioritise patients and procedures should be a primary skill of the veterinary worker...
Duration: 1:06 h
Speaker: Chloe Fay
from 1 US$ 46.20
(incl. tax)